Non-additive Calculated Columns

You might want to create columns that are not numeric. These are called non-additive calculated columns, and we’ll do an example now.

  1. Create a new calculated column in the OrderDetails table (right-click the table then select New Column):
Delivery Address =  
OrderDetails[DeliveryAddressLine1] & " " & OrderDetails[DeliveryAddressLine2] & " "  
    & RELATED ( Cities[CityName] ) & " "  
    & RELATED ( Cities[StateProvinceCode] ) & " " & OrderDetails[DeliveryPostalCode]


The RELATED function is useful if you want to use two columns from different tables but share a relationship with each other.

  1. Under Column Tools > Set the Data Category: Uncategorized to Address (ensure that Delivery Address is selected). This is so that the maps visualisation can use the column correctly: Set Data Category